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Palmerston's criticism was indeed not lacking in fact:
"the Russian Government has always had two strings to its bow-moderate language and disinterested professions at Petersburg and at London; active aggression by its agents on the scene of operations. If the aggressions succeed locally, the Petersburg Government adopts them as a fait accompli which it did not intend, but cannot, in honour, recede from. If the local agents fail, they are disavowed and recalled, and the language previously held is appealed to as a proof that the agents have overstepped their instructions."

Ссылка на Letter to Clarendon, May 22, I853. E. Ashley, Life of Palmerstonz (1London, I876), II. 273.

Сама статья The Diplomatic Preliminaries of the Crimean War
Author(s): Bernadotte E. Schmitt


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